Does Social Media censorship really exist?

16 Action News
2 min readAug 18, 2021

8/18/21 3:20 AM. James Buck.

Twitter and Facebook logos, Google images.

The debate that facebook and twitter are “censoring” citizens has been a conservative debate that has been talked about for a long time. And we will debunk this debate.

**So are social media companies actually censoring american citizens?**

Well, The short answer is No. But we will get into more detail and try to explain this in the most simple way possible. Yes, There are free speech laws in the United states that prohibit people like governments and police from arresting people for saying something or having political opinion. But there are no laws that prohibit social media from deleting post that may spread harmful misinformation like Anti-Vax post, Biden rigging the election etc…

And usually. social media does not ban people just for political beliefs. It is usually due to harmful misinformation about vaccines, the election and spreading right-wing propaganda. And before you are thinking about suing one of these companies. There are no laws that prohibit private companies from setting boundaries.

But shouldn’t we be against censorship nonetheless?
Again, Setting boundaries for what people can post on websites is not censorship. Like I said; Like it or not, Companies have the right to set boundaries on what people can post.

So is this Social Media censorship pretty much BS?
Yes, It pretty much is. Social media sites are just trying to prevent misinformation from spreading and private companies can pretty much do whatever they want with their websites. Like it or not



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